Wealthy Woman Lawyer®

The Challenge

Davina Frederick is an online coach helping women law firm owners scale their law firms to 7-figures. She knew she needed to tap into social media advertising if she wanted to scale her business and reach more of her potential clientele. She approached Social Style House to help manage her social media and run ads on Fb & IG.

The Outcome

We consulted and executed on her entire digital strategy including setting up a lead magnet funnel which has generated her over 3,000 email subscribers of her exact ideal client. We grew her facebook group of over 1,000 targeted users which has helped her scale from 5-40 clients bringing her to over 6-figures in revenue. We also helped her build out an online course funnel which has brought in over $50,000 on her 2 launches.


"I've been working with Social Style House for about 8 months now. Their ads have doubled the size of my group, tripled the size of my following, and helped me generate more than six figures of additional revenue. Highly recommend!" ⁣- Davina, Wealthy Woman Lawyer®


  • Social media management

  • Social media marketing

  • Course development and launch

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